STOP! Call us first!!
We see it too often. Client needs liquid assets, cashes out an IRA, and is blindsided by the taxes now due on that money... which is looooon

Miles of smiles
Tracking mileage seems so simple, but with all those other things to do, it can fall by the wayside. Not to worry, there's an app for th

How to give when you just can't
Giving makes us feel good, but everyone seems to have their hand out. We rounded up some ideas on how you can make a difference in your comm

Day 12: Dirty Dozen Tax Scams of 2017
Dirty Dozen Tax Scams of 2017: The IRS is fighting offshore tax cheats and strongly encourages all taxpayers to follow the law when it comes

Day 11: Dirty Dozen Tax Scams of 2017
Dirty Dozen Tax Scam Day 11: Getting talked into using a frivolous argument by an unscrupulous tax preparer.