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An update from our office regarding COVID-19

While life seems to slowly be returning to normal in Mesa County, our office has elected to maintain many of our COVID-19 precautions.

This is due to the volume of work COVID-19 has added to our usual workload and we cannot take the time to get sick. While this isn't the way we like to do business, we are still not holding face-to-face meetings unless absolutely necessary. We believe actually being able to get work done for all of our clients to be more important than holding meetings.

Those clients who will receive a refund are still being worked on first as the deadline to both file and pay taxes this year has been extended to July 15. Thank you for understanding the needs of others.

As returns are completed, we are still mailing them to clients and will let you know when they're on their way.

We are in the office during regular business hours to respond to clients and get work done. Clients who still need to get us documents can drop them in the mail slot next to our front door, or to send them through our client portal SmartVault or email them. You can find directions for either of those methods in the FAQ section of our COVID-19 page on our website.

That page is also a great place to find credible information about how COVID-19 is impacting your taxes.

Finally, please beware of scammers as Economic Impact Payments are still being issued. Remember, the IRS will NEVER call you - do not give out any information over the phone.

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ASHMAN & TROTTER, PC      Phone: 970-245-5435      Fax: 970-244-8542

1112 Belford Avenue     Grand Junction, CO      81501


FIRM LICENSE INFORMATION: Mark K. Ashman CPA, P.C. Colorado Firm License #12662,  Mark K. Ashman CPA Certificate #16989 Chris Trotter CPA Certificate #9035783


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